Python 重试功能

Synopsis: 有时候 HTTP 请求失败了,可能是网络连接不稳定或者后端接口服务暂时未启动等原因,此时我们希望请求失败后能够进行一定次数的重试(retry),从而最大限度保证请求能够最终成功。除了使用装饰器来实现以外,requests 模块中使用的 urllib3 模块默认自带重试功能
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假设我们已经按照 Flask Vue.js全栈开发|第1章:创建第一个Flask RESTful API 构建了一个后端 API 接口,然后别人就可以通过 requests 模块来调用我们的接口:
import requests from logger import logger def main(): url = '' # 假设这是 Flask 后端接口服务,先关闭它 try: resp = requests.get(url) except Exception as e: logger.error('Unable to establish connection with url({0}), exception: {1}'.format(url, e)) else: resp_json = resp.json() if resp.status_code == 200:'Succeed to get response({0}) from url({1})'.format(resp_json, url)) else: logger.error('Failed to get response from url({0}), status code: {1}'.format(url, resp.status_code)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
但是,如果网络不稳定或者我们的 API 接口服务不小心被我们暂时关闭了时,就会抛出连接异常:
如果我们希望当 HTTP 请求失败时能实现 重试(retry)
1. 一般的用法
import time import requests from logger import logger def main(): url = '' # 假设这是 Flask 后端接口服务,先关闭它 while True: try: resp = requests.get(url) except Exception as e: logger.error('Unable to establish connection with url({0}), exception: {1}'.format(url, e)) time.sleep(1) else: resp_json = resp.json() if resp.status_code == 200:'Succeed to get response({0}) from url({1})'.format(resp_json, url)) else: logger.error('Failed to get response from url({0}), status code: {1}'.format(url, resp.status_code)) break if __name__ == '__main__': main()
2. 装饰器用法
参考 retry 自己写个简陋版本
2.1 同步版本
from functools import wraps import time from logger import logger def retry(tries=3, interval=0.3): """装饰器: 任何函数被调用时,如果抛出异常,允许重试""" def decorator(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): count = 0 while True: try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: count += 1 if count > tries: # 重试次数用完后,还是有异常时,只能往上抛出了 raise e else: logger.warning('Failed to call func {0}({4}, {5}), retrying in {1} seconds(total: {2}, retry: {3}). Exception: {6}'.format(func.__name__, interval, tries, count, args, kwargs, e)) time.sleep(interval) else: return result return wrapper return decorator
import requests from logger import logger from sync_retry import retry @retry() def main(url): resp = requests.get(url) resp_json = resp.json() if resp.status_code == 200:'Succeed to get response({0}) from url({1})'.format(resp_json, url)) else: logger.error('Failed to get response from url({0}), status code: {1}'.format(url, resp.status_code)) if __name__ == '__main__': url = '' # 假设这是 Flask 后端接口服务,先关闭它 try: main(url) except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to get response from url({0}), exception: {1}'.format(url, e))
2.2 异步协程版本
import asyncio from functools import wraps from logger import logger from tornado.simple_httpclient import HTTPTimeoutError def async_retry(tries=3, interval=0.3): """装饰器: 原生协程函数被调用时,如果抛出异常,允许重试""" def decorator(func): @wraps(func) async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): count = 0 while True: try: result = await func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, HTTPTimeoutError): # tornado.simple_httpclient.HTTPTimeoutError 不用重试 raise e count += 1 if count > tries: # 重试次数用完后,还是有异常时,只能往上抛出了 raise e else: logger.warning('Failed to call func {0}({4}, {5}), retrying in {1} seconds(total: {2}, retry: {3}). Exception: {6}'.format(func.__name__, interval, tries, count, args, kwargs, e)) await asyncio.sleep(interval) else: return result return wrapper return decorator
from tornado import httpclient, ioloop from async_retry import async_retry from logger import logger @async_retry() async def async_call_api(request, **kwargs): """支持异步重试功能""" httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient.configure(None, max_clients=1000) http_client = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient() resp = await http_client.fetch(request, **kwargs) return resp async def main(): url = '' # 假设这是 Flask 后端接口服务,先关闭它 try: resp = await async_call_api(url, method='GET', connect_timeout=5, request_timeout=60) except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to get response from url({0}), exception: {1}'.format(url, e)) else: if resp.status_code == 200:'Succeed to get response({0}) from url({1})'.format(resp, url)) else: logger.error('Failed to get response from url({0}), status code: {1}'.format(url, resp.status_code)) if __name__ == '__main__': io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.current() io_loop.run_sync(main)
3. urllib3 自带 Retry
如果你只是想在使用 requests
import requests from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from urllib3.util import Retry def requests_retry_session( retries=3, backoff_factor=0.3, # 重试 3 次时,总耗时 1.8 = 0 + 0.6 + 1.2 秒 status_forcelist=(500, 502, 504), session=None, ): session = session or requests.Session() retry = Retry( total=retries, read=retries, connect=retries, backoff_factor=backoff_factor, status_forcelist=status_forcelist, method_whitelist=frozenset(['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS']) # urllib3 默认对除 GET 以外的方法,不设置自动重试功能,所以要主动添加白名单 ) adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry) session.mount('http://', adapter) session.mount('https://', adapter) return session
from logger import logger from requests_retry import requests_retry_session def main(): url = '' # 假设这是 Flask 后端接口服务,先关闭它 # url = '' # 模拟返回 502 响应码 try: resp = requests_retry_session().get(url) except Exception as e: logger.error('Unable to establish connection with url({0}), exception: {1}'.format(url, e)) else: resp_json = resp.json() if resp.status_code == 200:'Succeed to get response({0}) from url({1})'.format(resp_json, url)) else: logger.error('Failed to get response from url({0}), status code: {1}'.format(url, resp.status_code)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()

3 条评论
123456789 slyslyme
2021-06-03T06:32:01Zhello,请问用这个http_client.fetch(request, kwargs) 请求返回到的 response是http_client.fetch(request, kwargs),不是正常request请求返回的,没有status_code状态码